The best way to get viewers to visit your site, keep them there long enough to find out about your products and services, then make the sale is to have a content-rich, visually interesting, and factually accurate website.
Armando Roggio over at Practical Ecommerce proposes six ways to improve your site.
If you’re a business-to-consumer seller, you’ll have time to implement at least a few of these upgrades before the holiday season, where some retailers make 80% of their yearly revenue.
No. 1: Upgrade Your Product Descriptions, Using Three Sentences Or Less
You’ve likely heard a lot of advice about writing good product descriptions —in fact, look for my take on writing good product descriptions in a forthcoming “Ecommerce Know-How.” And while I find most of that advice helpful, I think that the key to effective product copy is in telling a real, emotion-arousing story about the product.
As an example, James Chartrand, a professor at Solo Practice University in Quebec, Canada and a professional blogger, encouraged his readers to pick up a bottle of Jergens Sensations hand soap and peruse the label.
“Energize your senses with the exotic infusion of crushed Green Tea and fresh, delicate Lemon Verbena… This rich, luxurious formula envelops your hands in a refreshing bouquet while gently cleansing your skin. Your hands are left feeling clean, soft and freshly scented,” wrote Chartrand, quoting the hand soap package.
How much better was that description than “This soap contains green tea and lemon verbena?” Jergens’ packaging tells a story (flowery as it is) about what the hand soap will do for you. Try telling stories with your site’s product descriptions.
As they say, read the whole thing over at Practical Ecommerce.